Is Love Important in a Successful Marriage?

is love important

Marriage is often portrayed as the ultimate expression of romantic love—a lifelong commitment where two people vow to cherish and support each other through thick and thin.

But as we navigate the complexities of life, the question arises: Is love truly the cornerstone of a successful marriage?

Love is how you decide to act and treat someone in a particular way. It is more about the actions you intend to show than you feel. Love is the promise you and your partner made at your wedding. It is a pledge, of security.

This is why you promised to love and cherish each other for all eternity. You both did not promise to feel a certain way. Instead, the promise and the vow were made and sealed for better or worse.

promise day

Is love really important in marriage?

Definitely, it is important! It is because feelings usually rise and fall, come and go. There may be times that you are upset or you have hurt the person you love. Instances like this may happen, but it does not mean you have to give up easily. This is the best time that love calls for your attention.

Because you love your partner, chances are you will learn to forgive, mend, encourage, cherish and improve your marriage for the better. It is not that everything will always be easy and simple. There will be times when that good feeling is just around the corner, and sometimes they are left unrecognized. However, your continuous commitment to love, as you promised, will ensure that the feeling will always come up.

Love must be a commitment. Most marriages fail because one of the couples falls in love with someone else. This is because of what people call “feelings” and lust. The feelings will continually change.

Making a comparison between your spouse and the other person is not right. It leads your attention out of your partner. Once this happens, it would be straightforward to look for a third party and destroy your marriage relationship. It will be easier to set aside your commitment and promise to your marriage.

Therefore it is necessary to keep love in mind always. Do not forget the commitment you have for your partner. This is important since you two can help each other face difficult trials and solve problems naturally.

Your decision to love your partner will help you get through. When you and your partner remember the promise of love and be together through thick and thin, then the marriage is secure. Without the commitment, the marriage will be weak to endure the problems that are unavoidable to come.

Lastly, keep in mind that love is not merely a feeling. It is a decision to make and to perform a certain way with the person you choose to marry and be with forever.


Every marriage is a unique journey, and what works for one couple might not work for another. The key is to find the balance that nourishes your bond, celebrates your differences, and allows you to grow together as partners and individuals. Whether driven by passionate love, unwavering commitment, or a harmonious blend of both, may your marriage be a testament to the enduring power of human connection, a haven of love and support, and a journey filled with laughter, joy, and unwavering understanding.

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