Love and Relationships Tips

Are You Being Disrespected by Your Partner?

Relationships should be about feeling good, right? But sometimes, partners can act in ways that make you feel bad. Maybe they don’t listen to you, or they make fun of you in a way that hurts.

We’ll talk about how to spot disrespect in a relationship, and what you can do about it. You deserve to be treated with kindness and respect!

What Is Disrespect in a Relationship?

Disrespect in a relationship isn’t just about someone being rude. It’s a feeling that you’re not being valued or treated like an equal. Here’s the thing: disrespect can be sneaky! It can show up in big ways like yelling, but also in smaller ways that add up over time.

Here are some signs to watch out for:

  • Put-downs: Maybe your partner makes fun of your hobbies or criticizes your ideas in a way that feels hurtful and affects your self-esteem.
  • Ignoring you: Do they constantly interrupt you or zone out when you’re trying to talk?
  • Being inconsiderate: Are they always late without apologizing, or do they make plans without even asking you?
  • Not listening: This can be a big one. Does it feel like your partner isn’t really paying attention to what you’re saying?

Remember, disrespect can also be about actions, not just words. But any form of disrespect is unacceptable in relationships. If your partner breaks promises or does things that go against what you both agreed on, that’s disrespect too.

Signs of Lack of Respect in Relationships

There are many forms of disrespectful behaviour. Here we discuss five signs that disrespect might be creeping into your relationship:

Conversations turn into battlegrounds: Disagreements are normal in any romantic relationship, but a partner who constantly belittles your opinions or resorts to name-calling during arguments isn’t showing respect. Healthy communication involves listening, trying to understand each other’s perspectives, and finding solutions together.

Your boundaries become like welcome mats: Everyone deserves to have their personal boundaries respected. If your partner consistently pushes your limits, ignores your requests for space, or pressures you into doing things you’re uncomfortable with, that’s a red flag.

“Yes” never seems to mean “yes”: A partner who makes promises but rarely follows through, or who flakes on plans without a good reason, is showing a lack of respect for your time and feelings. Respectful partners are reliable and dependable.

“Me” trumps “we” every time: Healthy relationships involve compromise and consideration for your partner’s needs and wants. If your partner constantly prioritizes themselves, makes important decisions without consulting you, or expects you to drop everything for them whenever they need something, that’s a sign of disrespect.

Your feelings are an afterthought: A partner who consistently disregards your emotions, minimizes your concerns, or makes light of your feelings isn’t showing you respect. You deserve to be with someone who values your feelings and makes an effort to understand your perspective.

What to Do If You Don’t Feel Respected in the Relationship?

Feeling disrespected in your relationship can be hurtful and confusing. But before you jump to conclusions, take a deep breath. Here are some steps you can take to address the situation:

  1. Identify the problem: The first step is to figure out what exactly is making you feel disrespected. Why your partner refuses to show value to you? Is it a specific behaviour? A pattern of actions? Once you pinpoint the issue, you can start to address it.
  2. Pick a calm moment to talk: Don’t try to have this conversation when you’re feeling angry or upset. Choose a time when you can both talk calmly and openly.
  3. Use “I” statements: Instead of accusing your partner, explain how their actions make you feel. For example, instead of saying “You never listen to me,” try “I feel hurt when you interrupt me all the time.”
  4. Listen to their perspective: Give your partner a chance to explain their side of the story. Maybe they weren’t aware of how their behaviour was affecting you.
  5. Work together to find solutions: The goal is to find a way forward that works for both of you. Brainstorm solutions and be open to compromise. However, if you have been trying for a long while and nothing seems to be working, you may consider to end the relationship.
  6. Consider couples counseling: If you’re struggling to communicate or find solutions on your own, consider seeking professional help from a couples therapist. They can provide tools and guidance for improving communication and building a more respectful relationship.

Remember, a healthy relationship is built on mutual respect. By taking these steps, you can address the issue and create a stronger, happier bond with your partner.


No relationship is perfect, and there will be times when you and your partner disagree. But if you can communicate openly and honestly, and both make an effort to show respect for each other’s feelings and needs, you can build a relationship that thrives. Remember, you deserve to feel valued and appreciated. Don’t be afraid to speak up for yourself with your disrespectful partner and create the healthy, respectful relationship you deserve.

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